It's not very often I meet a celeb that leaves me "star-struck," but when I met Bruce Campbell I was floored. My brother Tim, and I were attending the USA Network cocktail party while at Comic Con when we bumped into the king of fan boys. Seconds before we snapped these shots, Bruce said, "Look sharp, boys!" Seriously one of the neatest celebrity encounters of my life.

Earlier in the week I ran into 'Dawn of the Dead (2004)" and '300' director Zack Snyder on the convention floor. He was wandering the aisles surprisingly unnoticed by the hoard of geeks around him. When I spotted him I told him I was a huge fan of 300 and Dawn of the Dead shook his hand and got this picture of him (with my friend Lauren).

It wasn't until we took the picture that all hell broke loose. Moments after we took the picture, some dude, pointed and shouted, "Look, that's Zack Snyder!" That's when people started to swarm him. I felt bad for exposing him, but he's at Comic Con, he should know better!